Support me!

I can't do this work alone. What do I need:
1. Most importantly, Pray for me and the work in Angola, for the necessary health and wisdom to carry it out! And above all that I may be a witness so that others may find the way to God! 2. Support It's nice to hear from your supporters every now and then. It means a lot to me if you sympathize with me and encourage me!
3. Finance This is necessary since I am going to work as a medical missionary in Angola. You have to think of rent, food, insurance, visa etc. And unfortunately life in Angola is not cheap!
You can make a donation through Stichting Witte Velden, they have charitable status in the Netherlands. This can be done in 2 ways, via the authorization form below or by clicking on this link. You can then print the form, fill it out and send it to the foundation.
For more information about the foundation you can click on the link in the footer (at the bottom of the page).
Thank you very much for everything you do for me! Whether it is sponsorship, prayer or very practical help, it is valuable in God's eyes! .